no title, no story, no nothing

ooc_180x150 cm, Kiefersfelden/Bavaria 2020

paradoxically to the title there is a story. The title rather points to the inexplicability of an abstract image. no thing is something that defies conceptualization. Here now to the story which contributed to the emergence of this painting.

It is based on an experience of a trip to East Greenland/Scoresbysund. The world’s largest and deepest multi-branched fjord system. More remote than ever before and surrounded by icebergs and high mountains with steeply rising edges. Scoresbysund for sure took my breath away!

Thanks to the beautiful schooner Opal and the cool crew at @northsailing The experience will last for life in my mind and this is just one of many outcomes!

Here is the painting under the painting. A so to say start into a painting trip. Lots of my paintings change direction during the process. Rarely that I have a concept where I could say, the imagination of the painting is completely in my head. I love to let go, to play, to surprise myself.

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